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múltiples unidades sin nombre deathlok aparecieron en "black panther" vol.
multiple unnamed deathlok units appear in "black panther" vol.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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sugar blue* "red, funk and blue" (1978) (black panther rec.
sugar blue* "red, funk and blue" (1978) (black panther rec.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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bashir, un ex-black panther, añadió “debemos unificarnos o morir.”
bashir, an ex-panther, added, “we have to unify or die.”
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
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david hilliard es un miembro del partido pantera negra (black panther party).
david hilliard (born may 15, 1942) was a member of the black panther party.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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en el declive de black panther, muchos jóvenes en busca de identidad se agruparon en pandillas.
with the panthers’ decline, many youths in search of identity grouped into gangs.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
las pandillas afroamericanas de los Ángeles fueron impresionadas por el partido black panther y por el hecho de que dos líderes de ese partido fueran asesinados por la policía.
the afro-american gangs of los angeles were impressed by the black panther party and the fact that two panther leaders were murdered by the police.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
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===="black panther"====en la serie de 2010, "black panther", tormenta usa a cerebro para localizar a juggernaut en wakanda.
===="black panther"====in the 2010 series, "black panther", storm uses cerebro to locate juggernaut in wakanda.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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mi logo favorito es el de captain marvel, pero mi anuncio favorito fue el de black panther, porque ya era hora de que tuviésemos un héroe de otro color pateando culos en su propia franquicia.
my favorite announcement was black panther, because it’s about time we had a black hero or let’s face it, any other kind of color hero kicking ass in his or her own franchise. luis landero in comics, film, things i like october 23, 2014 0 comments
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
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la fusión de estos sonidos y la intersección de la cultura hippie, los black panther, y el movimiento latino/chicano se reunieron para definir el distrito de la misión.
the fusion of these sounds and the intersection of the hippie, black panther, and latino/chicano movimiento came together to define the mission district.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
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* 4 de diciembre: en estados unidos, 14 policías asesinan a dos miembros de black panther party (fred hampton y mark clark) mientras duermen.
* december 4 – black panther party members fred hampton and mark clark are shot dead in their sleep during a raid by 14 chicago police officers.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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cuando reed y sue llegan cerca del fin de número ellos anuncian que van a tomando un descanso del equipo y han encontrado a dos miembros de reemplazo: black panther, y storm de los x-men.
when reed and sue arrive near issue's end, they announce that they are taking a break from the team and have found two replacement members: black panther, and storm of the x-men.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-03-03
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el verano pasado se denegó por decimotercera vez la libertad condicional a geronimo ji jaga pratt, ex miembro del partido de los black panther, que ha estado en prisión desde 1971 y que, según amnistía internacional, entre otros, fue condenado en violación de determinados derechos amparados por la constitución federal.
this past summer, geronimo ji jaga pratt, a former member of the black panther party, who has been in prison since 1971 and who amnesty international, among others, has said was convicted in violation of rights under the federal constitution, was denied parole for the thirteenth time.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-11-30
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
se prevén asimismo otros seminarios sobre el legado del partido black panther (panteras negras), la política de la memoria en mozambique, la filosofía africana, la guerra colonial, la producción literaria de África y la literatura en lengua portuguesa.
other seminars will be held on the legacy of the black panther party, memory politics in mozambique, african philosophy, colonial war, africa's literary production and literature in the portuguese language.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2016-11-29
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
los artistas que formaron parte de ese colectivo, como tantos otros artistas visuales o músicos, estaban estrechamente vinculados con los movimientos contra la guerra del vietnam, las luchas estudiantiles, los movimientos feministas, los black panther, act-up, etc.
the artists who formed part of this collective, like so many other visual artists or musicians, were closely tied to the movements against the vietnam war, the student struggles, the feminist movements, the black panthers, act-up, etc.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
(inglés) hemos establecido contactos con otros diarios, con los cuales tuvimos intercambios, como por ejemplo, con el diario black panther, el diario puertorriqueño young lords y el diario llamadorising up angryque era my bueno y que fue publicado por un grupo de jóvenes caucásicos de la clase trabajadora y que representaba a una juventud revolucionaria en chicago.
the relationships that we built with other newspapers, i mean, we had exchange with a number of papers, including the black panther paper, the puerto rican young lords paper, there was a group of white working class youth, revolutionary youth in chicago who put out a paper called rising up angry which was a very good paper, and native americans and of course with a lot of the other asian american newspapers that came to be over those five years we had exchanges.
Ultimo aggiornamento 2018-02-13
Frequenza di utilizzo: 1
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hindi ko alam paano sumakay ng jeep pauwi(Tagalog>Inglese)freight collected(Inglese>Malese)no girl allowed except mamy(Inglese>Hindi (indiano))at vero dominus caelos fecit(Latino>Indonesiano)why dwae(Inglese>Vietnamita)beware of traitors(Inglese>Olandese)cadaver poseido(Spagnolo>Latino)samaksa(Lettone>Tedesco)ošetřit(Ceco>Greco)leggen de lat hoog(Olandese>Inglese)åtgärdsprogrammet(Svedese>Tedesco)who was on with usher(Spagnolo>Inglese)u live bahadurgrah(Inglese>Hindi (indiano))ehefotzen verleih(Tedesco>Inglese)nakupenda wewe(Swahili>Inglese)lahat pag nangyari yun(Tagalog>Inglese)ben seni cok sevdim(Turco>Portoghese)yo veo dance moms en ingles(Spagnolo>Finlandese)skybound(Inglese>Tedesco)my heart has a mind of its own(Inglese>Tagalog)
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